How to close Axis Bank credit card

Step-by-Step Instructions: How to Close Axis Bank Credit Card

How to close Axis Bank credit card
How to close Axis Bank credit card

Introduction to Axis Bank Credit Cards

How to close Axis Bank credit card- Axis Bank offers a diverse range of credit cards, each tailored to cater to various financial needs and lifestyle preferences. These credit cards come with an array of benefits, including cashback offers, travel rewards, discounts on shopping, and exclusive privileges. Whether you’re a frequent traveller, a shopaholic, or someone who enjoys dining out, Axis Bank has a credit card to match your lifestyle.

Axis Bank is known for its customer-centric approach, and its credit cards are designed to provide a seamless and rewarding experience. With innovative features, secure transactions, and a widespread acceptance network, Axis Bank credit cards have gained popularity among customers across India.

Reasons for Closing a Credit Card:

Closing a credit card is a significant financial decision and should not be taken lightly. There are various reasons why individuals consider closing their credit cards. Here are a few common ones:

  1. Reducing Financial Clutter: Sometimes, people accumulate multiple credit cards over time, leading to confusion and difficulty in managing payments. Closing a credit card can simplify your financial life.
  2. High Annual Fees: Some credit cards come with annual fees, and if the benefits don’t justify the cost, it makes sense to close the card to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  3. Change in Financial Priorities: As your financial situation changes, your credit card needs may change as well. You might want to close a credit card that no longer aligns with your current priorities.
  4. Poor Card Performance: If a credit card is not meeting your expectations in terms of rewards, customer service, or other features, you might consider closing it to explore better options.
  5. Avoiding Temptation: For individuals who struggle with overspending, closing a credit card can be a strategic move to curb unnecessary debt and avoid the temptation of impulsive purchases.
  6. Concerns about Security: If you’ve lost your credit card or suspect fraudulent activity, closing the card is a prudent step to prevent unauthorized use.

It’s important to note that while there are valid reasons for closing a credit card, it can also impact your credit score and financial history. Therefore, it’s crucial to assess your individual circumstances and consult with your bank before making a decision.

How to Close Axis Bank, Credit Card

Closing a credit card with Axis Bank is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to follow the correct steps to ensure a smooth closure and avoid any potential complications. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to close an Axis Bank credit card:

Step 1: Clearing Outstanding Dues

Before initiating the closure of your Axis Bank credit card, it’s crucial to settle any outstanding dues on the card. Ensure that your credit card balance is at zero. You can do this by paying off any pending bills, fees, or interest charges associated with the card. This step is essential to prevent any issues during the closure process.

Step 2: Contacting Axis Bank Customer Service

Once your outstanding balance is cleared, the next step is to get in touch with Axis Bank’s customer service. You can contact them through various channels, including phone, email, or by visiting your nearest Axis Bank branch. Customer service will guide you through the closure process, provide you with the necessary information, and help you understand the specific requirements for your credit card closure.

Step 3: Submitting Closure Request Form

After discussing the closure process with Axis Bank’s customer service, you will be required to submit a closure request form. This form can often be downloaded from the bank’s official website or obtained from the bank’s branch. You will need to fill out this form with your credit card details and personal information. Be sure to double-check all the information you provide to ensure accuracy.

Step 4: Verifying Closure Status

After submitting the closure request form, Axis Bank will review your request. It may take some time to process the closure. During this period, it’s essential to monitor your account to ensure that no new transactions are appearing on your credit card. Once your closure request is approved and processed, Axis Bank will send you a confirmation, and your credit card will be officially closed.

Keep in mind that even after your credit card is closed, it’s advisable to keep the closure confirmation and related documents for your records. Additionally, monitor your credit report to ensure that the closed account is correctly reported. Closing a credit card can have an impact on your credit score, so it’s essential to stay informed and manage your finances responsibly.

Impact of Closing Axis Bank Credit Card

How to close Axis Bank credit card
How to close Axis Bank credit card

Closing an Axis Bank credit card can have several consequences that may affect your financial situation. It’s essential to be aware of these impacts before making the decision to close your credit card.

Effects on Credit Score:

  1. Credit Utilization: One of the significant factors that affect your credit score is credit utilization, which is the ratio of your credit card balances to your credit limits. Closing a credit card can reduce your total available credit, potentially increasing your credit utilization if you have balances on other cards. Higher credit utilization can negatively impact your credit score.
  2. Credit History Length: The length of your credit history also plays a role in your credit score. Closing an older credit card can shorten your credit history, which may have a negative effect. A longer credit history is generally seen as more favourable.
  3. Credit Mix: Lenders like to see a mix of different types of credit accounts (e.g., credit cards, loans, mortgages) on your credit report. Closing a credit card may reduce the variety of credit accounts you have, which can impact your credit score, albeit to a lesser extent than other factors.
  4. Payment History: If you’ve always made on-time payments on your Axis Bank credit card, this positive payment history will continue to benefit your credit score even after closing the card.

Handling Rewards and Benefits:

When you close your Axis Bank credit card, you’ll need to consider how to manage any rewards, benefits, or outstanding balances associated with the card:

  1. Redeeming Rewards: If your Axis Bank credit card has accumulated rewards points or cashback, make sure to redeem them before closing the card. Check with the bank for specific redemption options and timelines.
  2. Remaining Balances: If you have any outstanding balances on the card, continue to make payments until the balance is fully cleared. Failure to do so may result in late fees and negatively impact your credit.
  3. Switch to Another Card: If you’re closing your Axis Bank credit card but still want to enjoy the benefits it offers, consider applying for another credit card with similar features. This way, you can continue to receive rewards and benefits that align with your preferences and spending habits.
  4. Update Automatic Payments: If you have set up automatic payments linked to your Axis Bank credit card, remember to update these payment methods with your new card details or alternate payment options.

Closing a credit card should be a carefully considered decision, taking into account its impact on your credit score and your ability to manage outstanding balances and rewards. It’s advisable to discuss your specific situation with Axis Bank and consult with a financial advisor if needed to make an informed choice.

Common Questions about Closing Axis Bank Credit Card

How to close Axis Bank credit card
How to close Axis Bank credit card

1. Can I Reopen a Closed Credit Card?

Reopening a closed credit card with Axis Bank is possible, but it depends on several factors. If you’ve voluntarily closed your credit card account, you may be able to request its reactivation. However, there are a few key considerations:

  • Eligibility: Axis Bank will assess your eligibility to reopen the card. This evaluation may include factors such as your credit history, payment behaviour, and the reason for the closure.
  • Timing: Reopening a credit card is typically easier if you request it shortly after the closure. The longer the card remains closed, the more challenging it might be to reactivate.
  • Contact Customer Service: To explore the possibility of reopening your credit card, get in touch with Axis Bank’s customer service. They will guide you through the process and inform you about the specific requirements.

Remember that while reopening a closed credit card is possible, it’s not guaranteed, and the final decision rests with Axis Bank. If your request is approved, you’ll regain access to your previous credit limit and account history, which can positively impact your credit score.

2. Is there a Fee for Closing a Credit Card?

Axis Bank, like many other financial institutions, typically does not charge a fee for closing a credit card account. However, it’s essential to be aware of a few crucial points:

  • Outstanding Balances: Ensure that you have cleared all outstanding balances, including pending bills, interest charges, and fees associated with the card. Failure to do so can result in additional charges.
  • Annual Fees: If your credit card has an annual fee, you should clear this fee before closing the card to avoid any future charges.
  • Redeem Rewards: If your credit card comes with rewards or benefits, make sure to redeem any accumulated rewards or cashback before closing the card.
  • Account Closure Form: Axis Bank may require you to submit an account closure request form, but this is typically a procedural requirement rather than a fee.

It’s advisable to confirm the specific closure process and requirements with Axis Bank’s customer service to ensure a smooth closure without any unexpected charges. Keep in mind that while closing a credit card may be free, it can have potential impacts on your credit score and financial history, so it’s a decision that should be carefully considered.

Tips for a Smooth Credit Card Closure Process

How to close Axis Bank credit card
How to close Axis Bank credit card

Closing a credit card account, including an Axis Bank credit card, is a financial decision that should be executed with care to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate the closure process effectively:

  1. Plan Ahead: Before initiating the closure, plan your strategy. Ensure that you’ve paid off all outstanding balances and understand the implications of closing the card on your credit score and credit history.
  2. Contact Customer Service: Get in touch with Axis Bank’s customer service to discuss your intention to close the credit card. They can guide you through the specific steps and requirements for your account.
  3. Redeem Rewards: If your credit card offers rewards, cashback, or loyalty points, make sure to redeem them before closing the card. Unclaimed rewards may be forfeited upon closure.
  4. Set Up Alternatives: If your credit card is linked to automatic payments or subscriptions, update these to use an alternate payment method to avoid any disruptions after closure.
  5. Account Closure Request: Axis Bank may require you to fill out an account closure request form. Ensure that you complete this form accurately and provide all the necessary information.
  6. Confirm Closure Status: After you’ve submitted the closure request, monitor your credit card account to ensure no new transactions occur. Once the card is officially closed, Axis Bank should send you confirmation of the closure. Verify that your account is indeed closed.
  7. Credit Report Monitoring: After the closure, keep an eye on your credit report to ensure that the closed account is correctly reported as “closed by the consumer.” This helps maintain your credit history’s accuracy.
  8. Maintain Records: Keep records of all communications, documents, and correspondence related to the credit card closure. This documentation can be useful in case of any disputes or issues in the future.
  9. Evaluate Alternatives: If you’re closing the card due to specific issues or dissatisfaction, consider exploring other credit card options that better suit your financial needs and preferences. Axis Bank offers various credit cards with different features and benefits.
  10. Consult with a Financial Advisor: If you have concerns about the impact of closing your credit card on your credit score or need guidance on your financial situation, consider consulting with a financial advisor. They can provide personalized advice and strategies.

Remember that closing a credit card is a significant financial decision, and its impact can vary from person to person. By following these tips and staying informed, you can ensure a smooth credit card closure process that aligns with your financial goals and priorities.

How to close Axis Bank credit card online

Closing your Axis Bank credit card online can be a convenient and straightforward process if you follow these steps:

Step 1: Clear Outstanding Balances:
Before you proceed with the closure, ensure that your credit card balance is at zero. Pay off any pending bills, interest charges, or fees associated with the card. It’s essential to start the closure process with a clean slate.

Step 2: Log into Your Axis Bank Account:
Access your Axis Bank account through the official Axis Bank website or mobile app. You will need to provide your username and password to log in.

Step 3: Locate the Credit Card Section:
Once logged in, navigate to the credit card section of your account. You may find it under the “Accounts” or “Cards” tab, depending on the layout of the website or app.

Step 4: Choose the Credit Card for Closure:
From the list of credit cards associated with your account, select the specific Axis Bank credit card you wish to close. You may see options like “Manage Card” or “Close Card.”

Step 5: Follow the Closure Instructions:
Axis Bank will provide you with instructions and information about the closure process. This may include details on documents required, outstanding dues, and the account closure form.

Step 6: Fill Out the Closure Request Form:
Complete the closure request form provided by Axis Bank. You will need to provide essential information, including your credit card number, personal details, and the reason for closure. Ensure that you double-check all the information you provide for accuracy.

Step 7: Submit the Closure Request Form:
After filling out the closure request form, submit it through the online portal. This is a crucial step to officially initiate the closure process.

Step 8: Confirmation of Closure:
Axis Bank will review your request and process the closure. Once the closure is approved, you will receive a confirmation via email or within your account. This confirmation indicates that your credit card is successfully closed.

Step 9: Monitor Your Account:
After receiving the closure confirmation, it’s essential to continue monitoring your account to ensure that no new transactions or charges appear on the closed credit card.

By following these steps and closely adhering to Axis Bank’s online closure process, you can efficiently close your Axis Bank credit card online. Remember that it’s crucial to clear any outstanding dues and accurately complete the required closure request form to ensure a smooth closure process.

How to close Axis Bank credit card through the app

Closing your Axis Bank credit card through the Axis Bank mobile app is a convenient and efficient process. Below are the steps on how to close an Axis Bank credit card through the mobile app:

Step 1: Log In to the Axis Bank Mobile App:

  • Start by opening the Axis Bank mobile app on your smartphone.
  • Enter your login credentials, including your username and password or any other authentication method the app may require.

Step 2: Navigate to the Credit Card Section:

  • Once logged in, navigate to the section of the app that deals with your credit card accounts. It may be labelled as “Credit Cards” or “Cards.”

Step 3: Select the Credit Card for Closure:

  • From the list of your Axis Bank credit cards displayed on the app, select the specific credit card you wish to close.

Step 4: Access the Closure Option:

  • Look for an option related to closing the selected credit card. This option may be labelled as a “Close Card” or something similar.

Step 5: Review Closure Terms and Conditions:

  • Axis Bank will typically present you with the terms and conditions of closing the credit card. Take the time to review these carefully to ensure you understand the implications.

Step 6: Verify Outstanding Dues:

  • The app may also provide information about any outstanding dues on the credit card. Ensure that you have paid off all pending bills, interest charges, and fees.

Step 7: Fill Out the Closure Request Form:

  • You will be required to complete a closure request form within the app. This form will ask for specific details, including your credit card number, personal information, and the reason for closure. Make sure to provide accurate information.

Step 8: Submit the Closure Request:

  • Once you’ve filled out the closure request form, submit it through the mobile app. This officially initiates the closure process.

Step 9: Confirmation of Closure:

  • After submitting the closure request, Axis Bank will review your application and process the closure. You will receive confirmation through the app when your credit card is successfully closed.

Step 10: Monitor Your Account:

  • Following the closure confirmation, continue to monitor your account through the mobile app to ensure that no new transactions or charges appear on the closed credit card.

It’s important to be thorough and accurate when completing the closure request form within the mobile app. Pay special attention to outstanding dues, as any unpaid amounts could result in additional charges. By following these steps, you can efficiently close your Axis Bank credit card through the mobile app, ensuring a hassle-free process.

Axis Bank credit card closing charges

Axis Bank did not typically charge specific fees for closing a credit card account. However, financial institutions may change their policies and fee structures over time. Therefore, it’s essential to check with Axis Bank refer to their official website or contact their customer service for the most current and accurate information regarding any charges associated with closing an Axis Bank credit card.

Banks usually encourage customers to maintain a clean financial record by paying off all outstanding dues before initiating the closure process. It’s also advisable to ensure that there are no pending bills, annual fees, or interest charges on the credit card to avoid any unexpected charges during the closure process.

Please note that policies related to credit card closure charges can vary from one bank to another and may change over time, so it’s essential to verify the specific terms and conditions with Axis Bank directly or through their official channels to obtain the most up-to-date information regarding any potential charges.

Axis Bank credit card close customer care

If you’re looking for information on how to reach Axis Bank customer care for credit card closure or related inquiries, here is a guide on how to do it:

Axis Bank Credit Card Customer Care for Closure:

Axis Bank offers various channels through which you can contact their customer care to inquire about closing your credit card or for any other credit card-related assistance. Here’s how you can reach Axis Bank’s customer care:

1. Customer Care Helpline:

You can contact Axis Bank’s customer care through their helpline. Dial the following customer care numbers:

  • For general inquiries: 1860-419-5555 or 1860-500-5555 (local call rates apply).
  • For credit card-specific inquiries: 1860-419-5555 or 1860-500-5555.

Follow the automated prompts or speak with a customer service representative to discuss your credit card closure request. They will guide you through the process and provide the necessary information.

2. Online Chat:

Axis Bank offers online chat support on its official website and mobile app. You can access the chat option and communicate with a customer service representative regarding your credit card closure inquiry. This method can be convenient for those who prefer text-based communication.

3. Email Support:

You can also reach Axis Bank’s customer care team via email. Visit the official Axis Bank website, locate the “Contact Us” or “Email Us” section, and send an email outlining your request for credit card closure. Provide all the necessary details and your contact information for a response.

4. Visit a Branch:

If you prefer face-to-face assistance, you can visit your nearest Axis Bank branch. The bank’s representatives at the branch will be able to assist you with your credit card closure request and provide personalized guidance.

When contacting Axis Bank customer care for credit card closure, make sure to have your credit card details, including the card number, available. Also, ensure that you’ve cleared any outstanding dues and are aware of the implications of closing your credit card, such as its impact on your credit score and rewards.

Please note that customer care contact information and procedures may change over time, so it’s advisable to verify the most current and accurate details on the Axis Bank website or through official communications to ensure you have the latest information on how to reach Axis Bank’s customer care for credit card-related queries or closure requests.

Axis Bank credit card cancellation email ID

Axis Bank’s contact details, including email addresses for specific inquiries like credit card cancellation, may change over time.

To obtain the most up-to-date and accurate email address for cancelling an Axis Bank credit card, I recommend visiting the official Axis Bank website or contacting their customer service through one of the following methods:

  1. Official Website: Visit the Axis Bank website ( and navigate to the “Contact Us” or “Customer Service” section. There, you can find the most current and accurate contact details, including email addresses, for various inquiries.
  2. Customer Service Helpline: Call Axis Bank’s customer service helpline at 1860-419-5555 or 1860-500-5555 to inquire about the correct email address for credit card cancellation or any other related queries. Customer service representatives can provide you with the appropriate contact information.
  3. Visit a Branch: You can visit your nearest Axis Bank branch to speak with a representative in person. They can provide you with the necessary information and guidance for credit card cancellation.
  4. Check Correspondence: If you have any previous communications from Axis Bank related to your credit card, the appropriate email address for credit card cancellation may be mentioned there.

Please be cautious when sharing personal and sensitive information via email and make sure you are using official and secure communication channels provided by Axis Bank to safeguard your data and financial security.

How to close Axis Bank credit card emi online

To close an Axis Bank Credit Card EMI (Equated Monthly Installments) online, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Axis Bank Net Banking:

  • Visit the Axis Bank official website and log in to your Axis Bank Net Banking account using your username and password.

2. Navigate to the Credit Card Section:

  • Once logged in, look for the “Credit Card” section on your dashboard. Click on it to access your credit card details.

3. View Active EMIs:

  • Within the credit card section, you should see an option to view your active EMIs. Click on it to see a list of your ongoing EMI transactions.

4. Select the EMI to Close:

  • Choose the EMI you want to close from the list of active EMIs.

5. Initiate Closure:

  • There should be an option to initiate the EMI closure. Click on this option.

6. Confirm Closure:

  • You may be asked to confirm your decision to close the EMI. Review the details, including any outstanding balance, and confirm the closure.

7. Complete the Process:

  • Follow the prompts to complete the closure process. You may need to verify your identity or provide additional information for security purposes.

8. Confirmation:

  • After successfully closing the EMI, you should receive a confirmation message or notification indicating that the EMI has been closed.

9. Verify Closure:

  • To ensure the EMI has been closed, check your credit card account details or the EMI section to confirm that the specific EMI transaction is no longer active.

It’s important to note that the steps may vary slightly based on Axis Bank’s website design and any updates to their online banking system. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, or if you have any questions, it’s advisable to contact Axis Bank’s customer service for assistance. They can provide guidance and help you navigate the online EMI closure process effectively.

How can I close my Axis Bank credit card account?

To close your Axis Bank credit card, you need to visit the nearest branch or contact their customer service helpline. Provide the necessary details and follow the instructions from the representative for a smooth closure process.

What documents do I need to close my credit card?

When closing your Axis Bank credit card, you typically need to carry your card, valid identification proof, and any pending dues payment information. Additional documents may be required, so it’s best to confirm with the bank beforehand.

Can I close my Axis Bank credit card online?

Yes, Axis Bank allows customers to close their credit cards online. Visit their official website, log in to your account, navigate to the “credit card” section, and follow the instructions provided for closing your card digitally.

Are there any charges or fees for closing the credit card?

Axis Bank may apply a nominal closure fee upon cancelling your credit card. The exact amount can vary, so it is advisable to review the terms and conditions or contact Axis Bank’s customer service to ascertain the fee details for your specific credit card.

What happens to my credit card balance after closure?

After closing your Axis Bank credit card, any remaining balance needs to be cleared by making full payment to the bank. You can choose to settle this immediately or convert it into an equated monthly instalment (EMI) as per the bank’s policies.