How to transfer money from credit card to bank account

Quick and easy ways to transfer funds from your credit card to your bank account

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account
How to transfer money from credit card to bank account

Introduction: How to Transfer Money from Credit Card to Bank Account

Transferring money from your credit card to your bank account can be a valuable financial tool in certain situations, offering flexibility and access to funds when you need them. Whether you’re looking to pay off high-interest debt, cover unexpected expenses, or simply manage your finances more efficiently, understanding the process and the various methods involved is crucial.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps, considerations, and options for making a successful transfer from your credit card to your bank account. You’ll gain insights into the different transfer methods, potential fees and charges, and the impact on your credit score. We’ll also provide valuable tips and strategies to help you make the most of this financial manoeuvre while safeguarding your financial well-being.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to navigate the process of transferring money from your credit card to your bank account, ensuring that it aligns with your financial goals and helps you achieve greater financial stability.

Methods of Money Transfer

Credit Card to Bank Transfer Methods

Transferring money from your credit card to your bank account can be a convenient way to access cash when needed or to pay off outstanding bills. There are several methods available for this purpose, each with its own advantages and considerations. In this section, we will explore the different credit card-to-bank transfer methods:

1. Direct Transfer

Direct transfer, also known as balance transfer, is a straightforward and widely used method to move money from your credit card to your bank account. This process typically involves transferring a credit card balance to a bank account, which effectively converts the credit card balance into a personal loan.

Key Points:

  • Interest Rates: Direct transfers often come with promotional 0% APR offers for a specified period, allowing you to avoid interest charges during that time.
  • Fees: While some credit cards offer fee-free balance transfers, others may charge a small fee as a percentage of the transferred amount.
  • Eligibility: Your credit score and credit limit will influence your eligibility for a balance transfer.

2. Cash Advance

A cash advance is another method to obtain money from your credit card. This method allows you to withdraw cash from an ATM or request a cash advance from your credit card issuer. However, it’s essential to understand that cash advances can be expensive.

Key Points:

  • Interest Rates: Cash advances often incur high interest rates from the moment of withdrawal, and there may be additional cash advance fees.
  • Credit Utilization: Cash advances can negatively impact your credit utilization ratio, potentially affecting your credit score.
  • Repayment: It’s crucial to have a clear repayment plan for cash advances to avoid accruing significant interest charges.

3. Third-Party Services

In recent years, various third-party financial services and apps have emerged, offering innovative solutions for transferring money from credit cards to bank accounts. These services may allow you to circumvent some of the limitations and fees associated with traditional methods.

Key Points:

  • Convenience: Third-party services often provide user-friendly apps and platforms for easy transfers.
  • Fees: Depending on the service, fees may vary, so it’s important to review the terms and conditions.
  • Security: Ensure that the third-party service you choose adheres to strict security standards to protect your financial information.

When considering which method to use for transferring money from your credit card to your bank account, it’s essential to evaluate your specific financial situation, including your credit score, the urgency of the transfer, and the associated costs. Each method has its pros and cons, so choose the one that aligns best with your needs and financial goals.

Fees and Charges

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account
How to transfer money from credit card to bank account

Credit Card to Bank Transfer Fees

When transferring money from your credit card to your bank account, it’s crucial to understand the various fees associated with the process. These fees can significantly impact the cost and overall feasibility of the transfer. In this section, we will delve into the different credit card-to-bank transfer fees:

1. Transaction Fees

Transaction fees are charges imposed by your credit card issuer or the financial institution involved in the transfer. These fees can vary based on the method you choose to transfer the money and the terms and conditions of your credit card agreement.

Key Points:

  • Balance Transfer Fee: If you opt for a direct transfer or balance transfer, you may encounter a balance transfer fee, which is typically calculated as a percentage of the amount transferred.
  • Cash Advance Fee: When using the cash advance method, you’ll likely face a cash advance fee, which can be a flat fee or a percentage of the amount withdrawn.
  • Promotional Offers: Some credit cards may offer promotional periods with no transaction fees, making it more cost-effective during that time.

2. Interest Rates

Understanding the interest rates associated with credit card-to-bank transfers is crucial to managing the overall cost of the transaction. Different transfer methods come with varying interest rate structures:

Key Points:

  • Balance Transfer APR: In the case of balance transfers, credit card issuers often provide promotional 0% APR offers for a limited time. This means you won’t incur interest charges during the promotional period. After the promotional period ends, the standard APR for balance transfers applies.
  • Cash Advance APR: Cash advances typically incur high interest rates from the moment of withdrawal, and these rates are often higher than those for regular credit card purchases.
  • Introductory Offers: Some credit cards offer introductory 0% APR on cash advances for a specific duration, which can be advantageous if you have a clear repayment plan in place.

3. Cash Advance Fees

Cash advance fees are specific charges associated with withdrawing cash from your credit card through the cash advance method. These fees can vary based on the credit card issuer and the terms of your credit card agreement.

Key Points:

  • Flat Fee: Some credit cards impose a flat cash advance fee, which is a fixed amount charged for each cash advance transaction.
  • Percentage Fee: Other cards may charge a percentage fee, which is calculated based on the total amount of the cash advance.
  • ATM Fees: In addition to the cash advance fee, you may also incur ATM fees if you withdraw cash from an ATM that is not affiliated with your card issuer.

To make an informed decision when transferring money from your credit card to your bank account, it’s essential to carefully review the transaction fees, interest rates, and cash advance fees associated with your specific credit card and chosen transfer method. This will help you determine the total cost of the transfer and whether it aligns with your financial goals and budget.

Considerations and Risks

Things to Consider Before Transferring

Before you proceed with transferring money from your credit card to your bank account, there are several important factors to consider. Understanding these considerations will help you make an informed decision and ensure that the transfer aligns with your financial goals and needs. In this section, we will explore the key factors to consider before making the transfer:

1. Credit Score Impact

One of the most crucial factors to consider when contemplating a credit card to bank transfer is its potential impact on your credit score. Your credit score is a vital financial metric that can affect your ability to secure loans, and credit cards, and even influence the interest rates you’re offered. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Points:

  • Credit Utilization: Transferring money from your credit card can impact your credit utilization ratio, which is the percentage of your available credit that you’re using. If the transfer increases your credit card balance, it could potentially raise your credit utilization, which may negatively affect your credit score.
  • Timely Payments: Ensure that you make timely payments on the transferred amount to avoid any negative impact on your payment history, a significant component of your credit score.
  • Credit Limit: Assess how the transfer may affect your credit card’s available credit limit. A significant reduction in your available credit can affect your credit score.

2. Interest Rates

The interest rates associated with your credit card to bank transfer can have a substantial financial impact. Understanding the terms and conditions of your transfer, as well as any promotional offers, is vital for managing the cost of the transaction:

Key Points:

  • Balance Transfer APR: If you choose a balance transfer, some credit cards offer promotional 0% APR for a specific period, allowing you to avoid interest charges during that time. After the promotional period ends, the standard APR for balance transfers will apply.
  • Cash Advance APR: Cash advances often come with high interest rates that begin accruing immediately, making them a costly option for accessing cash.
  • Introductory Offers: Be aware of any introductory 0% APR offers on cash advances, as they can provide a temporary respite from interest charges.

3. Repayment Plans

Having a clear repayment plan is essential when transferring money from your credit card to your bank account. Without a structured plan, you may find it challenging to manage the repayment and avoid accumulating additional debt. Here’s what to consider:

Key Points:

  • Payment Schedule: Determine how you will repay the transferred amount. Most credit card issuers require monthly payments, so ensure you can comfortably make these payments on time.
  • Interest Accumulation: Be aware of how interest will accumulate on the transferred amount. Understanding the interest calculation method will help you plan your repayments effectively.
  • Minimum Payments: Credit card issuers often require a minimum monthly payment, which may not be sufficient to repay the entire transferred amount within the promotional period. Plan to pay more than the minimum if possible to clear the balance before interest charges apply.

Taking the time to consider these factors before proceeding with a credit card-to-bank transfer is essential for your financial well-being. Careful planning and understanding of the potential impact on your credit score, interest rates, and repayment plans will help you make a well-informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and budget.

Risks and Pitfalls

While transferring money from your credit card to your bank account can be a useful financial tool, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and pitfalls associated with this process. Understanding these challenges will help you make informed decisions and navigate the process with confidence. In this section, we will explore the key risks and pitfalls to watch out for:

1. Overlimit Charges

One significant risk associated with credit card-to-bank transfers is the potential for over-limit charges. Overlimit charges occur when the amount you transfer pushes your credit card balance beyond its credit limit. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Points:

  • Overlimit Fees: Credit card issuers may impose overlimit fees when your balance exceeds the credit limit. These fees can be substantial and can worsen your financial situation.
  • Credit Limit Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your credit card balance and credit limit to avoid inadvertently triggering over-limit charges.
  • Communication with Issuer: If you anticipate that your transfer may push your balance close to the credit limit, consider contacting your credit card issuer to discuss potential solutions, such as a credit limit increase.

2. Credit Utilization

Credit utilization, or the percentage of your available credit that you’re using, is a crucial factor in your credit score calculation. Transferring money from your credit card can impact this ratio, which, in turn, can affect your credit score:

Key Points:

  • Credit Score Impact: An increase in your credit card balance due to a transfer can lead to higher credit utilization, potentially lowering your credit score.
  • Ideal Utilization Rate: To maintain a healthy credit score, aim to keep your credit utilization below 30% of your available credit limit.
  • Planning Ahead: If you anticipate a transfer will significantly impact your credit utilization, plan accordingly by making additional payments or spreading the transfer over multiple months.

3. Credit Card Security

Maintaining the security of your credit card and personal information is vital when performing credit card-to-bank transfers. Falling victim to fraud or security breaches can have serious consequences:

Key Points:

  • Phishing Awareness: Be cautious of phishing attempts, and never share sensitive information, such as your credit card details or bank account information, with unknown or unverified sources.
  • Secure Platforms: Use secure and reputable platforms and financial institutions for your transfers. Ensure that they have strong security measures in place.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor your credit card and bank account statements for any unauthorized or suspicious transactions. Report any irregularities immediately to your credit card issuer and bank.

Being aware of these risks and pitfalls is crucial for a successful credit card-to-bank transfer. By staying vigilant, monitoring your financial accounts, and planning your transfers carefully, you can minimize the potential downsides and enjoy the benefits of this financial tool while safeguarding your financial well-being.

Step-by-Step Guides

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before proceeding with a credit card to a bank transfer, it’s essential to check your eligibility to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Here’s a detailed breakdown of this initial step:

Key Points:

  • Credit Limit: Verify that your credit card has sufficient available credit to cover the amount you intend to transfer. Ensure you won’t exceed your credit limit.
  • Credit Score: Your credit score can impact your eligibility. Some credit card issuers may require a minimum credit score for balance transfers or cash advances.
  • Account Status: Ensure that your credit card account is in good standing and not delinquent. Accounts in arrears may not be eligible for transfers.
  • Promotional Offers: Explore if your credit card has any promotional offers for balance transfers or cash advances, as these can influence your eligibility and the cost of the transfer.

Step 2: Choose a Transfer Method

Selecting the appropriate transfer method is a critical decision in the credit card-to-bank transfer process. Here’s what you need to consider when making this choice:

Key Points:

  • Direct Transfer: If you choose a direct transfer or balance transfer, assess the terms of the offer, including the promotional APR, transfer fees, and the duration of the promotional period.
  • Cash Advance: When opting for a cash advance, understand the associated fees, interest rates, and any introductory offers. Be prepared for higher interest costs.
  • Third-Party Services: If you’re considering third-party services, research the reputation, fees, and security measures of the service provider. Ensure it aligns with your needs and preferences.

Step 3: Initiate the Transfer

Initiating the transfer involves the actual process of moving the funds from your credit card to your bank account. The steps can vary depending on the method you’ve chosen. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Key Points:

  • Balance Transfer Form: For direct transfers, you may need to complete a balance transfer form provided by your credit card issuer. Ensure that you provide accurate information.
  • Cash Advance Request: If you’re opting for a cash advance, you can typically initiate the transfer by visiting an ATM or contacting your credit card issuer. Follow the specific procedure outlined by your issuer.
  • Third-Party App/Platform: When using third-party services, follow their instructions for initiating the transfer. Ensure that you provide accurate bank account details.

Step 4: Repayment Plan

Having a clear repayment plan is essential to managing the transferred amount effectively. Consider the following when planning your repayment:

Key Points:

  • Minimum Payments: Credit card issuers often require a minimum monthly payment, which may not be sufficient to pay off the transferred amount within the promotional period. Plan to make higher payments to clear the balance.
  • Promotional Period: If you’re using a promotional offer with 0% APR, calculate the monthly payments needed to pay off the balance within the promotional period.
  • Interest Accumulation: Understand how interest accrues on the transferred amount and consider making extra payments to reduce the interest costs.

Step 5: Monitoring the Transfer

Monitoring the transfer is essential to ensure everything proceeds as planned and to address any issues promptly. Here’s what you should be vigilant about:

Key Points:

  • Statement Review: Regularly review your credit card and bank account statements to verify that the transfer was executed correctly and to detect any discrepancies or unauthorized charges.
  • Timely Payments: Make sure you make payments on time to avoid late fees or penalties. Set up reminders to help you stay on track.
  • Communication: If you encounter any problems or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your credit card issuer, bank, or third-party service provider for assistance.

By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can navigate the credit card to bank transfer process efficiently, make well-informed decisions, and manage the transfer effectively to meet your financial goals.

Best Credit Cards for Transferring Money

Card A

Card A is a popular choice for transferring money from your credit card to your bank account, thanks to its competitive balance transfer offer. Here are the key features of Card A:

Key Points:

  • 0% APR Introductory Period: Card A offers a generous 0% APR introductory period for balance transfers. This means you can transfer a balance from your credit card to your bank account without incurring any interest charges during this promotional period.
  • Balance Transfer Fee: Card A has a low balance transfer fee, making it cost-effective to move funds to your bank account.
  • Credit Score Requirement: While Card A is accessible to a range of credit scores, having a good to excellent credit score will increase your chances of approval.
  • Additional Benefits: Card A may offer additional perks, such as cashback rewards or travel benefits, depending on your creditworthiness.

Card B

Card B is another excellent option for credit card-to-bank transfers. It offers a different set of features that may be attractive to individuals looking to move money from their credit cards. Here’s what you need to know about Card B:

Key Points:

  • Low Introductory APR: Card B provides a low introductory APR for balance transfers. While it may not offer a 0% APR period, the rate is significantly lower than standard credit card APRs.
  • Extended Promotional Period: Card B offers an extended promotional period for balance transfers, allowing you more time to repay the transferred amount at the low introductory APR.
  • Credit Score Range: Card B may be accessible to a broader range of credit scores, making it a viable option for those with varying credit profiles.
  • Rewards Program: Card B may come with a rewards program that allows you to earn points, cashback, or other benefits on your everyday spending.

Card C

Card C is tailored for those who prefer a straightforward approach to credit card to bank transfers. It offers simplicity and attractive terms for moving money to your bank account:

Key Points:

  • Competitive APR: Card C features a competitive regular APR, which remains consistently low even after the introductory period ends. This can be advantageous if you plan to carry a balance beyond the promotional period.
  • No Balance Transfer Fee: Card C stands out by not charging a balance transfer fee, making it a cost-effective choice for those looking to move money to their bank account.
  • Flexible Credit Approval: Card C may be more flexible in terms of credit score requirements, making it an accessible option for individuals with varying credit profiles.
  • No Annual Fee: Card C often comes with no annual fee, which helps reduce the overall cost of ownership.

When selecting the best credit card for transferring money to your bank account, consider your specific financial goals, credit score, and repayment capabilities. Review the terms and conditions of each card, including introductory APR periods, balance transfer fees, and additional benefits, to determine which one aligns best with your needs. It’s essential to choose the card that not only facilitates your transfer but also complements your overall financial strategy.


Glossary of Terms

Understanding the terminology related to credit card to bank transfers is essential to make informed financial decisions. In this glossary, we provide definitions for key terms and phrases commonly used in the context of such transactions:

Key Terms:

  • Balance Transfer: The process of moving the outstanding balance from one credit card to another, often to take advantage of lower interest rates or promotional offers.
  • Credit Utilization: The ratio of your credit card balances to your credit limits, which can impact your credit score.
  • Cash Advance: Withdrawing cash from your credit card, typically through an ATM, which often comes with higher interest rates and fees.
  • APR (Annual Percentage Rate): The annualized interest rate that credit card issuers charge on balances and cash advances.
  • Promotional Period: A specific duration during which a credit card offers a reduced or 0% APR for balance transfers or cash advances.
  • Minimum Payment: The lowest amount you must pay each month on your credit card balance.
  • Credit Score: A numerical representation of your creditworthiness, often used by lenders to assess your credit risk.

Tools and Calculators

To assist you in making well-informed financial decisions, we provide a range of tools and calculators designed to help you understand the financial implications of credit card-to-bank transfers. These interactive resources can assist you in planning and managing your transfers effectively:

Tools and Calculators:

  • Balance Transfer Calculator: Determine how long it will take to pay off your transferred balance and the potential savings based on different payment scenarios.
  • Credit Card Repayment Calculator: Calculate the monthly payments required to pay off your credit card balance within a specified timeframe.
  • Credit Score Estimator: Estimate the potential impact of your credit card to bank transfer on your credit score.
  • Interest Cost Calculator: Determine the total interest cost of your transfer based on the APR and repayment plan.

Useful Links and References

Here, you’ll find a curated list of useful links and references to further expand your knowledge about credit cards bank transfers and related financial topics. These resources can provide valuable insights, tips, and expert advice to enhance your understanding:

Useful Links and References:

  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Visit the FTC’s website for consumer information on credit card and financial transactions, including tips on avoiding scams.
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): Access resources related to credit card regulations, consumer rights, and financial protection.
  • Credit Reporting Agencies: Links to major credit reporting agencies, where you can access your credit reports and learn about credit scores.
  • Financial Blogs and Forums: Explore financial blogs and forums where individuals share their experiences and insights into credit card transfers, providing practical advice and tips.

These resources in the “Resources” section are aimed at empowering you with knowledge and tools to make informed decisions when it comes to credit card to bank transfers and managing your financial well-being.

Transfer money from credit card to bank account without any charges

Transferring money from a credit card to a bank account without incurring any charges can be a bit tricky, as it often involves financial transactions that may come with fees or interest. However, there are some methods that can help you minimize these costs or even make it fee-free, depending on your specific circumstances and the policies of your credit card provider and bank.

  1. Balance Transfer: Some credit cards offer promotional balance transfer offers with a 0% APR for a specified period. You can transfer a portion of your credit card balance to your bank account during this promotional period without incurring any interest charges. However, keep in mind that there might be a one-time transfer fee, typically around 3% of the transferred amount.
  2. Personal Loans: You can consider taking out a personal loan with a lower interest rate than your credit card’s cash advance rate. Once you secure the loan, you can use the funds to pay off your credit card balance, effectively moving the money to your bank account. Personal loans generally have fixed interest rates, making it easier to predict and manage your repayments.
  3. Overpayment Refund: If you’ve paid more than your outstanding credit card balance, some credit card companies may issue a refund or credit balance, which you can request to be transferred to your linked bank account. This method is typically fee-free.
  4. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transfers: Utilize P2P payment services like PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App to transfer money from your credit card to your bank account. However, ensure you use a “linked bank account” as the destination, as transferring directly to your bank account might incur fees.
  5. Cash Advance Checks: Check if your credit card issuer provides cash advance checks. You can write these checks to yourself and deposit them into your bank account, effectively moving the funds. Keep in mind that cash advances usually come with high-interest rates and may not be the most cost-effective method.

It’s essential to understand that financial institutions and credit card companies may have varying policies, fees, and terms and conditions. Before proceeding, always check with your credit card issuer, bank, or loan provider to clarify any potential charges or fees associated with your specific transaction. Additionally, it’s crucial to use these methods responsibly and be aware of the potential impact on your credit score and financial stability.

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account through Phonepe

Transferring money from a credit card to a bank account through PhonePe, a popular digital payment and wallet app in India, is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Download and Install PhonePe: If you haven’t already, download the PhonePe app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Install and open the app.
  2. Set Up Your Account: If you’re a new user, follow the on-screen instructions to set up your PhonePe account. You’ll need to link your bank account and create a UPI (Unified Payments Interface) PIN. Ensure that your mobile number is linked to the bank account for verification.
  3. Link Your Credit Card: To transfer money from your credit card to your bank account, you need to link your credit card to your PhonePe account. Follow these steps:
  • Open the PhonePe app.
  • Tap on “My Money” or a similar option depending on the app version.
  • Select “Add Debit/Credit Card.”
  • Enter your credit card details, including the card number, expiry date, and CVV. PhonePe may send a one-time password (OTP) to your registered mobile number for verification. Enter the OTP to verify your card.
  1. Transfer Money:
  • After linking your credit card, go to the “To Self” section.
  • Enter the amount you want to transfer from your credit card to your bank account.
  • Choose your linked credit card as the payment method.
  • Under “To,” select your linked bank account where you want the money to be transferred.
  1. Enter UPI PIN: You will need to enter your UPI PIN for security and to authorize the transaction.
  2. Confirmation: Review the transaction details and confirm the transfer. You will receive a confirmation message once the transaction is successful.
  3. Wait for Processing: The time it takes for the money to be credited to your bank account may vary depending on your bank. It usually takes a few minutes to a few hours, but it can sometimes take up to 24 hours.
  4. Check Bank Account: After the processing is complete, check your bank account to ensure that the money has been transferred successfully.

It’s important to note that credit card transactions often come with fees and interest charges, especially if you don’t repay the amount within the card’s grace period. Additionally, some credit card providers may treat these transactions as cash advances, which can be more expensive. Make sure to understand the terms and fees associated with your credit card before using PhonePe or any other platform to transfer money from your credit card to your bank account.

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account through Paytm

Transferring money from a credit card to a bank account through Paytm, a popular digital payment platform in India, can be convenient, but it’s essential to understand that credit card transactions often come with fees and interest charges. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Download and Install Paytm App:

  • If you haven’t already, download the Paytm app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  • Install the app and open it.

Sign In or Register:

  • Sign in to your Paytm account or register if you’re a new user.
  • Make sure your mobile number is linked to your Paytm account.

Add Credit Card:

  • On the Paytm homepage, tap on the “Add Money” option.
  • Select “Credit Card” as your payment method.
  • Enter your credit card details, including the card number, expiry date, and CVV.
  • Paytm may send an OTP (One-Time Password) to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP for verification.

Transfer Money:

  • After linking your credit card, go to the “Paytm Wallet” or “Add Money” section.
  • Enter the amount you want to transfer from your credit card to your bank account.
  • Select the linked credit card as your payment method.
  • Under “To,” choose your bank account where you want the money to be transferred.

Enter OTP and CVV:

  • You may need to enter an OTP sent to your registered mobile number and your credit card’s CVV for security verification.

Confirm the Transaction:

  • Review the transaction details to ensure they are accurate.
  • Confirm the transaction.

Wait for Processing:

  • The time it takes for the money to be credited to your bank account may vary depending on your bank and Paytm’s processing time. Typically, it can take a few minutes to a few hours, but it might take up to 24 hours.

Check Your Bank Account:

  • After the processing is complete, check your bank account to confirm that the money has been transferred successfully.

It’s crucial to be aware of the terms, fees, and interest rates associated with your credit card when using Paytm or any other platform to transfer money from your credit card to your bank account. Credit card transactions are often treated as cash advances, which can result in higher fees and interest charges. Make sure to repay the amount promptly to avoid unnecessary costs. Always consider your financial situation and the associated fees before proceeding with such transactions.

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account online

Transferring money from a credit card to a bank account online can be a convenient way to access funds, but it’s important to understand that this type of transaction often comes with fees and interest charges. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Choose a Secure Online Platform:

  • Ensure you’re using a secure and reputable online banking or payment platform. Most banks provide online banking services that allow you to transfer money between your accounts.

Log In to Your Online Banking Account:

  • Access your bank’s online banking portal using your username and password.

Link Your Credit Card:

  • If your bank allows it, you can link your credit card to your online banking account. Look for an option like “Add External Account” or “Link Credit Card” within your online banking dashboard.

Initiate a Funds Transfer:

  • Select the “Transfer Funds” or “Move Money” option within your online banking interface.

Select Credit Card as the Source Account:

  • Choose your linked credit card as the source account from which you want to transfer money.

Choose the Target Bank Account:

  • Select your bank account where you want the money to be transferred. This should be a bank account that you have linked to your online banking profile.

Enter the Amount:

  • Enter the amount you want to transfer from your credit card to your bank account.

Review and Confirm:

  • Review the transaction details to ensure they are accurate. Double-check the source and target accounts, as well as the transfer amount.

Confirm the Transaction:

  • Confirm the transaction by clicking the “Confirm” or “Submit” button.
  1. Verify Your Identity:
    • Depending on your bank’s security measures, you may be required to verify your identity using a one-time password (OTP) or other authentication methods.
  2. Wait for Processing:
    • The processing time may vary depending on your bank, but typically, it takes a few minutes to a few hours for the money to be credited to your bank account.
  3. Check Your Bank Account:
    • After the processing is complete, check your bank account to confirm that the money has been successfully transferred.

It’s crucial to be aware of the terms, fees, and interest rates associated with your credit card when using this method. Credit card transactions are often treated as cash advances, which can result in higher fees and interest charges. Ensure that you understand the costs and terms associated with your specific credit card and bank, and always consider your financial situation before proceeding with such transactions.

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account icici

Transferring money from a credit card to a bank account, specifically from an ICICI Bank credit card to an ICICI Bank account, can be done through a service called “ICICI Bank Instant EMI.” This service allows you to convert your credit card’s outstanding balance into monthly instalments, which are then transferred to your ICICI Bank account. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use ICICI Bank Instant EMI:

Login to Your ICICI Net Banking Account:

  • Access your ICICI Bank net banking account using your user ID and password.

Navigate to “Credit Cards”:

  • Once logged in, go to the “Credit Cards” section on the ICICI net banking dashboard.

Select “Convert to EMI”:

  • Under the “Credit Cards” section, you’ll find an option called “Convert to EMI” or something similar. Click on it.

Choose the Credit Card Transaction:

  • Select the specific credit card transaction or transactions you want to convert into EMI. This can be a recent purchase or an outstanding balance.

Select the EMI Plan:

  • You’ll be presented with various EMI plans based on the transaction amount and duration. Choose the plan that suits your requirements.

Enter Your ICICI Bank Account Details:

  • You’ll need to specify the ICICI Bank savings or current account where you want the EMI amount to be credited each month. Make sure this account is linked to your net banking profile.

Review and Confirm:

  • Carefully review the EMI plan details, including the tenure and interest rate. Ensure that all the information is accurate.

Generate OTP:

  • To complete the transaction, you’ll need to generate a One-Time Password (OTP) for verification purposes.

Verify and Submit:

  • Enter the OTP that you receive on your registered mobile number and click “Submit” to confirm the transaction.
  1. Confirmation:
    • After successful verification, you’ll receive a confirmation message indicating that your credit card outstanding balance has been converted into EMIs.
  2. EMI Deductions:
    • Your credit card’s outstanding balance will be converted into monthly EMIs, and the EMI amount will be automatically deducted from your ICICI Bank account each month on the specified due date.

It’s important to note that ICICI Bank may charge a processing fee for converting your credit card’s outstanding balance into EMI. Additionally, the EMI will attract interest as per the terms of the selected plan. Be sure to carefully review the terms and conditions and understand the cost associated with this service before proceeding. This method is specific to ICICI Bank; other banks may have different procedures for similar transactions.

How to transfer money from credit card to bank account hdfc

Transferring money from an HDFC Bank credit card to an HDFC Bank account can be done through a service called “HDFC Bank SmartEMI.” This service allows you to convert your credit card’s outstanding balance into Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs), which are then transferred to your HDFC Bank account. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use HDFC Bank SmartEMI:

Log In to Your HDFC Net Banking Account:

  • Access your HDFC Bank net banking account using your customer ID and password.

Navigate to “Credit Card”:

  • Once logged in, go to the “Cards” or “Credit Card” section on the HDFC net banking dashboard.

Select “Transact”:

  • Under the “Credit Card” section, look for an option called “Transact” or “Convert to EMI” and click on it.

Choose the Credit Card Transaction:

  • Select the specific credit card transaction or transactions you want to convert into EMI. This can be a recent purchase or an outstanding balance.

Select “SmartEMI”:

  • You will be provided with the option to convert the transaction into EMI. Choose “SmartEMI.”

Choose the EMI Plan:

  • You’ll be presented with various EMI plans based on the transaction amount and duration. Select the plan that best fits your requirements.

Specify HDFC Bank Account:

  • You’ll need to specify the HDFC Bank savings or current account where you want the EMI amount to be credited each month. Ensure this account is linked to your net banking profile.

Review and Confirm:

  • Carefully review the EMI plan details, including the tenure, interest rate, and EMI amount. Verify that all the information is accurate.

Generate OTP:

  • To complete the transaction, you’ll need to generate a One-Time Password (OTP) for verification.
  1. Verify and Submit:
    • Enter the OTP that you receive on your registered mobile number and click “Submit” to confirm the transaction.
  2. Confirmation:
    • After successful verification, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that your credit card outstanding balance has been converted into EMIs.
  3. EMI Deductions:
    • Your credit card’s outstanding balance will be converted into monthly EMIs, and the EMI amount will be automatically deducted from your HDFC Bank account each month on the specified due date.

It’s important to note that HDFC Bank may charge a processing fee for converting your credit card’s outstanding balance into EMI. Additionally, the EMI will attract interest as per the terms of the selected plan. Be sure to carefully review the terms and conditions and understand the cost associated with this service before proceeding. This method is specific to HDFC Bank; other banks may have different procedures for similar transactions.

How to transfer money from a credit card to a bank account through Google Pay

Google Pay doesn’t directly support transferring money from a credit card to a bank account. However, you can use your credit card on Google Pay to make payments, including paying bills and making purchases online. If you need to move funds from your credit card to your bank account, you’ll generally need to use a different method, which might incur fees and interest charges. Here’s how you can potentially do it:

Balance Transfer to Bank Account:

  • Contact your credit card provider to inquire about balance transfer options. Some credit card companies offer balance transfer services, allowing you to transfer a portion of your credit limit to your bank account. Keep in mind that this might come with a one-time transfer fee and potentially a promotional or regular interest rate.

Cash Advance:

  • While it’s not typically recommended due to high fees and interest rates, you can use your credit card to withdraw cash (cash advance) from an ATM. Once you have the cash, you can deposit it into your bank account. Note that cash advances often come with immediate interest charges and a cash advance fee.

Peer-to-Peer Payment Services:

  • You can use peer-to-peer payment services like PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App to send money to someone you trust who has a bank account. They can then transfer the money to your bank account. Ensure you trust the recipient, as these services are typically designed for person-to-person payments.

Payment Apps with Wallet Services:

  • Some payment apps, like PayPal, have wallet services where you can store money and then transfer it to your bank account. However, these services might charge a fee for the transfer.

Personal Loan:

  • You can apply for a personal loan from a bank or online lender. Once approved, you can use the loan amount to pay off your credit card balance, effectively moving the money from your credit card to your bank account. Personal loans usually have lower interest rates compared to credit cards.

Remember to be cautious when transferring money from your credit card to your bank account. Credit card transactions can come with fees, high interest rates, and potential negative impacts on your credit score. It’s essential to understand all associated costs and terms before proceeding. Additionally, the availability of these methods may vary depending on your location and financial institution, so always check with your credit card provider and bank for specific details.

Best app to transfer money from credit card to bank account without charges

Transferring money from a credit card to a bank account without incurring charges is often challenging because credit card companies typically impose fees and interest rates on such transactions. However, there are certain methods and apps that can help minimize these costs.

Please note that while these methods aim to reduce charges, some fees might still apply, depending on your specific circumstances and credit card provider. Here are some popular apps that can be used for this purpose:

Paytm (for Indian users):

  • Paytm allows you to add money to your Paytm Wallet using a credit card and then transfer that money to your linked bank account. While adding money to the wallet is free, Paytm may charge a nominal fee for bank transfers, but it’s often lower than direct credit card cash advances.


  • PayPal offers the option to add funds to your PayPal account using a credit card and then transfer the money to your linked bank account. While PayPal might charge a fee for certain transactions, it can be a more cost-effective option compared to traditional cash advances.

Revolut (for European users):

  • Revolut is a financial technology company that offers a multi-currency account. You can top up your Revolut account using a credit card and then transfer the money to your linked bank account. Revolut typically offers competitive exchange rates and may have lower fees than traditional banks.

Money Transfer Apps (e.g., Wise, TransferWise, or OFX):

  • These apps specialize in international money transfers and often offer better exchange rates and lower fees compared to traditional banks. You can fund these transfers using a credit card and have the money deposited into your bank account.

Bank-Specific Apps:

  • Some banks offer mobile apps that allow you to transfer credit card balances to your linked bank account. Check if your bank provides this service through their app or website.

Balance Transfer Credit Cards:

  • While not an app, you can apply for a balance transfer credit card that offers an introductory 0% APR on balance transfers. This allows you to transfer your credit card balance to the new card and repay it without incurring interest charges. However, balance transfer credit cards may come with a balance transfer fee, usually a percentage of the amount transferred.

It’s important to carefully read the terms and conditions, review associated fees, and consider the impact on your credit score before proceeding with any of these methods. Additionally, the availability and specific features of these apps may vary by region, so it’s advisable to check with the app provider and your credit card issuer for detailed information on charges and terms.

What is the process for transferring money from a credit card to a bank account?

You can transfer funds by visiting your bank’s website or using their mobile app. Select “Transfer” and follow the instructions to transfer funds from your credit card to your bank account. Fees may apply.

How long does it take to transfer money from a credit card to a bank account?

The transfer typically takes 1-3 business days to complete, but it may vary depending on your bank’s processing time. Some banks offer instant transfers for an added fee.

Are there any fees associated with transferring money from a credit card to a bank account?

Yes, most banks charge a fee for this service. The fee can vary depending on your bank and the transfer amount. It’s advisable to check with your bank for the exact fees involved.

Can I transfer the entire credit limit from my credit card to my bank account?

No, you can usually only transfer a portion of your credit limit, as set by your credit card issuer. The maximum transfer limit will be mentioned in your credit card terms and conditions.

Are there any consequences or impacts on my credit score when transferring money from credit card to bank account?

Transferring money from your credit card to a bank account may not directly impact your credit score. However, if you accrue high-interest charges on the transferred money, it can impact your overall credit utilization and subsequent credit score.